Best places to watch the sunset in Rome

Best places to watch the sunset in Rome Best places to watch the sunset in Rome

Tourist information

17 Jun 2022

Sunset is the moment of the most beloved day, the one that marks the end of the day and that makes you dream and reflect. Whether on a beach by the sea, in the mountains, or surrounded by greenery, watching the sky at sunset is always a unique emotion. If you are in the Eternal City you absolutely cannot miss this moment!

Where to watch sunset in Rome?

The sunset in Rome is a show of colors and lights, a magical moment to watch alone or share with your loved ones.

We recommend the best place to see sunset in Rome where in front of you, the domes of the churches, palaces, roofs and the marble of the monuments become red, orange and purple, like an unforgettable painting.

Terrazza del Pincio

Sunset in Pincio Hill

The terrace of the Pincio is located on the top of the Pincio, hill of Rome, 61 meters high, from which you can enjoy the fascinating view of the underlying Piazza del Popolo. Here, with the presence of several villas and gardens, stands the first public garden in Rome, designed by Giuseppe Valadier in 1834.

Terrazza del Gianicolo during the walk you can also admire the Casina Valadier, an old farmhouse redesigned by the same Roman architect, between 1816 and 1837, and today one of the most famous cafés in Rome and located inside Villa Borgese. 

The sunset of the Pincio, is according to many, the best sunset in Rome thanks to its proximity to the old town and its walk, from whose terrace you can admire the dome of San Pietro and in the distance even see the outline of the Colosseum and the Vittoriano, to give one of the most romantic and unforgettable spaces of the capital.

Terrazza del Gianicolo

Sunset in Gianicolo Park

The Janiculum is a famous viewpoint of Rome and is considered the eighth hill of Rome. According to the legends of Roman mythology, the hill would have hosted the city created by the god Janus, from which it takes its name.

The terrace of the Janiculum offers a unique spectacle, especially at sunset, from which you can enjoy one of the most spectacular views of the city, with a view of the historic center of the city: the dome of the Pantheon, Villa Borghese and the Altar of the Fatherland.

From here you can also assist the traditional noon cannon shot. Since April 21, 1959, every day, the gun fires a blank at twelve o'clock. At that signal all the bells of the churches of Rome ring in unison.

Giardino degli Aranci

Sunset in Organge Garden

The Garden of the Aranci is located on top of the Aventine Hill and is the name by which Savello Park is commonly referred to.

The location offers a wonderful view of all of Rome. At sunset, it returns an even more evocative atmosphere, especially for lovers who swear eternal love in front of the immensity of Rome.


Sunset in Colosseum

The view of the Colosseum and the Roman Forums dyed red is a sight to see at least once in your life. The Colosseum is the largest amphitheater in Rome, symbol of the city and favorite destination for tourists from all over the world.

Together with the vast archaeological area of the Roman Forum, it represents the greatness of ancient Rome, its history, and its glory.

Discover our afternoon tour of the Colosseum and the Imperial Forums

Park of the Aqueducts

Sunset in Park Aqueduct

The Park of the Aqueducts is a vast green area that covers 240 hectares and where you can admire some of the most majestic aqueducts of antiquity.

The ideal place for a picnic in the open air away from the chaos of the city and stay to admire the sunset surrounded by nature. Here the warm colors of the sunset cross the ancient arches of the aqueducts returning a breathtaking show.

Dome of San Pietro

Sunset at San Peter's Basilica

This little treasure is located in Vatican City. The Dome of Saint Peter, made by Michelangelo, is the highest dome in the world. Due to its imposing height, it offers an unparalleled panorama of Rome.

Castel Sant'Angelo

Sunset in Castel Sant'angelo

The Hadrian’s Mausoleum better known as Castel Sant'Angelo is one of the most important monuments in Rome. It was conceived as a funeral monument for the Emperor Hadrian, later used as a fortress and castle by the popes, given its proximity to the Vatican and as a prison for prisoners of the high Roman nobility.

Right from the Terrace of Castel Sant'Angelo, located on the right bank of the Tiber, you can admire one of the most beautiful views of the city of Rome, especially at sunset.

Pontile di Ostia

Sunset in Ostia

One of the most beautiful sunsets on the sea of Rome is that of the pier on the seafront of the Toscanelli of Ostia. Watching the sunset at the sea is a spectacle both in summer and winter. Its intense colors are reflected in the sea and the light breeze of the wind grazes your cheeks, in a unique scenery, to take your breath away.

You can take advantage of our tour of Ostia Antica to admire the beauty the beauty of this small village a few kilometers from Rome.